National Committees

Learn About/Join an NEU Committee


The Safe Return to Schools Committee was created to support educators during COVID and to inform educators and the public about what a safe school/ workplace looks like and to organize around not returning until those safety measures are in place.

The goal of the committee is to inform and help organize around safety (particularly COVID) in schools.

Not currently meeting regularly


The Racial Equity committee was created to ensure the voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) educators and students are amplified within the work of NEU. We believe anti-racist education is core to developing the future we all deserve.

The goal of the committee is to inform and organize around racial equity in schools.

Meetings: Mondays at 4:00 PM PST (not every week)


The NEU Building Statewide Groups Committee was created to support these groups by communicating the structures and strategies used by the ‘Red for Ed’ strikes and by the existing state EU groups.

The goal of the committee is to share organizing practices from multiple statewide groups, hold workshops, provide support as needed

Meetings: Every Saturday at 12:00 PM PST


The Fighting Austerity committee is committed to clarifying the political issues behind our under- funded schools, researching what world-class funding looks like, identifying sources of revenue, and promoting strategies to achieve these goals.

Meetings: Every Tuesday at 4:00 PM PST